Friday, February 27, 2015

Homeland Security Funding in Limbo, as House, Senate Fail to Agree

On February 27th, 2015 NPR posted an article regarding the potential partial shutdown of the Department of Homeland Security. This issue came about several months ago when President Obama took executive actions, giving legal status to millions of undocumented immigrants. Afterward, democrats worked to stop bills that would overturn the president’s actions. As you can imagine, this frustrated the republicans and they responded by suggesting defunding the Department of Homeland Security, the home of Immigration and Customs Enforcement. To further the division, it seems the house and senate cannot agree on a strategy to fix this mess, be it long or short term. I think this article is worth reading because it appeals to many groups, particularly immigrants, and those who work for Homeland Security. I think this article did a wonderful job of explaining the gridlock that congress faces when dealing with certain issues.

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